1-4 weeks
Building your milk supply in the first month
Your breast milk supply should increase throughout the first month as you and your baby get to know each other and familiarise yourselves with breastfeeding. Find out what to expect during the first few weeks and how your milk’s composition changes. There’s also support on overcoming common difficulties, such as sore nipples, milk leakage and engorgement, and how pumping can help increase your supply if you need to.
Read all our articles on Your first month:

9 breastfeeding problems in the first month – solved
Expert advice on overcoming common breastfeeding problems during the first month of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding in the first month: What to expect
Confused about building and establishing your milk supply? If you need help or support, or just want to know what to expect, read our guide on breastfeeding in the first month

How to get breastfeeding support
Many mums find they need breastfeeding support, especially when their baby first arrives. So where can you go to find it?

11 different breastfeeding positions
You May Need To Try A Few Breastfeeding Positions Before Finding A Favourite That Works Best For You And Your Baby. Check Out Our Picture Gallery For Inspiration

What is mature breast milk?
From Around The Time Your Baby Is A Month Old, Your Breast Milk Is Fully Mature. From Now On, The Composition Of Your Breast Milk Won’t Change Much – Unless Your Baby Needs Extra Protection