6 months plus:
Continuing your breastfeeding journey
Breast milk still has an important role in your baby’s life after he reaches six months
and you start introducing solids, no matter what other people may say.
Breast milk still has an important role in your baby’s life after he reaches six months and you start introducing solids, no matter what other people may say. Find out how breast milk is still a key part of his diet and the health benefits that will protect you both throughout your lives, along with tips on pumping to help you continue breastfeeding for as long as you both like.
Read all our articles on Continuing your breastfeeding journey

Breastfeeding with flat, inverted or pierced nipples
Nipple shapes and sizes can vary a lot from woman to woman. Read our practical tips to help make breastfeeding a little easier – whatever type of nipples you have

What to eat while breastfeeding
You know breast milk is the best food for your baby, but what about your own nutrition during breastfeeding? We quizzed a dietitian on what to eat while breastfeeding

Breast milk vs formula: How similar are they?
When deciding how to feed your baby, knowing what’s in breast milk or formula, the difference in cost, and the impact they have on health and sleep, can help you make an informed choice

Feeding your baby expressed milk: Your questions answered
When can you start feeding your baby expressed breast milk? What’s the best way to do it? And should you be concerned about ‘nipple confusion’? We answer your questions about expressed milk feeding

Travel with your breast pump: Expressing on the go
If you’re breastfeeding and have to travel without your baby, you’ll need to pump to keep up your supply. Here’s how to express on the move and transport your expressed milk safely

Pumping at work: Tips and mums’ advice
If you’re returning to your job but want your baby to continue benefiting from your breast milk, here’s how to prepare for pumping at work

Going back to work as a breastfeeding mum
Returning to work after maternity leave doesn’t mean the end of breastfeeding. With good planning and communication your baby can still benefit from your breast milk

Breastfeeding beyond 6 months: What are the benefits?
When your baby starts solids, you may think he no longer needs breast milk. However, breastfeeding after six months has numerous benefits for you both