Your Pumping Journey
The benefits of double pumping and hands-free expression, and how to store, freeze and thaw your breast milk.
Whether you have a baby who can’t feed directly from the breast or you have to spend time apart, expressing means your baby can still benefit from your breast milk. Find out how to choose the breast pump that suits your needs and lifestyle, the benefits of double pumping and hands-free expression, and how to store, freeze and thaw your breast milk.
Read all our articles on Pumping:

What’s the difference between open- and closed-system breast pumps?
Discover the truth about open- and closed-system breast pumps to help you make an informed decision when choosing a breast pump and expressing milk for your baby

Choosing your Medela breast shield size
Do you feel unexpressed milk after pumping? Does your nipple rub the tunnel sides? For these or other reasons you may want to consider trying a new breast shield size. Follow the instructions in the downloadable guide or in the animation below

Tips and instructions for hands-free pumping
If you need to express breast milk regularly, hands-free pumping allows you to get on with other things at the same time. Here’s how to do it quickly, easily and efficiently

Too little breast milk? How to increase low milk supply
Many mums worry they have a poor milk supply, but it can be hard to know for sure. Read on to find out whether you really have low milk supply and what you can do about it